5 Throwie Techniques Every Graffiti Artist Should Know!
Improve Your Graffiti Throwies with These 5 Expert Tips – Learn how to create cohesive throwie designs, master can control, and clean up your lines and shapes for pro-level graffiti art. Our graffiti tutorial for beginners covers essential throwie techniques and tips on using bold lines, achieving structure, and simplifying your style without losing impact.
Top 5 Graffiti Hand Styles
Discover the Top 5 Best Graffiti Tags in this video as we break down legendary artists and their unique handstyles! From the precise strokes of Quse to the versatile designs of Cancer, explore what makes these graffiti legends stand out in the street art world. Whether you're a seasoned graffiti artist or a beginner, this list will inspire and elevate your tagging game. Learn the secrets behind iconic styles from Big Sleeps, Smoke, Crude Oil, and more!
Graffiti vs AI: Will Technology Erase Street Art?
Discover how AI is reshaping the world of graffiti art. Is AI-generated graffiti the future or a threat to authentic street art? Explore the evolving world of graffiti as we dive into the impact of AI on this traditional graffiti art. Discover whether technology could replace real graffiti artists or if it will serve as a new tool in the arsenal for new artists to exploit.
How To Do Graffiti Pieces - Full Process!
In today's blog, we're diving into the world of freight train graffiti by rating fan submissions on a scale of 1 to 10. Along the way, we'll discuss essential graffiti techniques, clean lines graffiti, letter structure, and more. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, these insights will help you refine your style and avoid common graffiti mistakes.
Tips to Remember When Painting Graffiti!
In today's blog, we're diving into the world of freight train graffiti by rating fan submissions on a scale of 1 to 10. Along the way, we'll discuss essential graffiti techniques, clean lines graffiti, letter structure, and more. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, these insights will help you refine your style and avoid common graffiti mistakes.
Graffiti Tips: Essential Techniques to Elevate Your Throwies
Unlock the secrets to mastering graffiti art with our in-depth guide on essential graffiti techniques. Whether you're just starting out or looking to elevate your skills, this video breaks down the key elements that will take your throwies, pieces, and overall graffiti game to the next level. Learn how to create cleaner lines, improve your letter structure, and make your street art stand out. Perfect for beginners and seasoned artists alike, our graffiti tips will help you refine your style and create more impactful graffiti artwork. Subscribe for more tutorials on graffiti letters, spray painting techniques, and insider tips from the world of street art!
The WORST Art Advice I have Ever Heard
As an artist, especially a new one, you're bound to receive plenty of advice. Some of it can be helpful, but there’s also a lot of bad advice floating around. Today, we'll dissect some of the worst art advice, particularly for graffiti artists, and explain why these tips can hinder your progress.
Painting Graffiti on the Highway! (Copy)
Some of you guys have no fear, and today's video shows that. We feature some graffiti artists hitting highway spots, daytime graffiti and underpasses too. one of you guys did a crazy nice wild style with drippy paint and personally I loved it! One of my other favorites was a black and yellow throwie, the letters were nice and clean, stylish and over all showed a great amount of skill and practice.
(Step By Step) Guide To Drawing Graffiti!
Today I'm going to teach you how to draw letters in graffiti with a step by step process. we'll cover how to draw basic straight letters, then we'll add a little bit of style to that letter, and from there we'll take it one step further and we'll turn it into a stylish letter that can be used for a wild style. This video is really meant to show you the sketching process behind pieces, while showing you how to build technical letters off of simple structures.
3 Things Toys In Graffiti Should Know!
When you first start in graffiti it can be hard to figure out where you want to take this art form. It can be even harder to find where you fit in this community. These obstacles make it easy to feel the need to “prove yourself, get respect, and get into big-name crews but in today’s video, I want to share a few tips that should help you orient yourself in the community and enjoy graffiti more as a result.
Tagged The Inside Of A Bank!
Now it turns out this bank is in PA after all, but that doesnt confirm that the person who did the tag is from PA, it simply makes it extremely likely. Now the reason this made me think it was a Philly writer is due to the tight letter name positioning, with the narrow lettering, and the clean hair pin turns. Alone these features aren’t enough to indicate anything, but all together in one tag, it begins to point at that Philly aesthetic we all know.
5 Mistakes Made On Graffiti Pieces!
When you’re out there painting your piece on a wall, there’s a million different things to pay attention to, and with all that, who could blame you for a mess up or two? In today’s post, we’re chatting about 5 different, common mistakes that people make when doing their pieces.
5 Ways Graffiti Artists Get Up!
Graffiti artists are a resourceful bunch who’ll find any way to get their names out there! Today we’re going to check out 5 methods graffiti artists use to tag, but there’s a catch. We’ll exclude common things such as using markers, spray paint, and stickers because these are common and obvious enough to anyone spending more than a day in graffiti.
5 Things Graffiti Toys Do Wrong!
Toys in graffiti tend to stumble along in their early days and some of these mistakes can be pretty costly, while others are a lot more innocent. Today we're going to list off 5 toy things that new graffiti artists tend to do and we'll give a bit of advice along the way that should help you enjoy graffiti a little more.
How To Do Graffiti Pieces Breakdown
When I start a piece I always count the number of letters in the name as this will help me plan the composition. On top of that I also write the name out to see how the letter relationships are working within the name.
How To Find Your Graffiti Style
“Finding my style” is just about every artist’s biggest goal and concern when they first start out in any art form, but this ends up being more of an obstacle than anything. In this blog, we’re not going to restate what we taught in the video, but rather we’re going to chat about the downside to style and perhaps a better approach to progress.
Painting Graffiti on the Highway!
Painting graffiti on the highway can be a rush for those with the courage to take the risk. One of the most thrilling parts of highway spots is the rush as you approach the wall. You can hear each car flying past you and you know that they’re going far too fast to stop so suddenly, however, there’s always a chance. A chance one person might slam on their breaks, and it’s for this reason the people in today’s video keep their guard up as they paint.
How To Pick A Graffiti Tag Name!
Ok so to make up a tag name, begin by writing the whole alphabet on a paper. No need to be fancy here, just write the letters as you normally would in print font. Once you’ve written out all the letters, put a circle around the letters you think you’ll enjoy. Maybe you like the look of the letter, maybe the letter just seems fun to you, whatever the reason is, if you like it, circle it.
Dont Make This One Mistake in Graffiti
Our first submission was an awesome wall done by Magen, and he really did a great job but a few things stood out to me. One of the more notable topics was his extensions, and they stood out for a few reasons. Not only did his super round extensions feel out of place in an angular piece, but the width of these extensions varied greatly!
Daytime Throwies with Mute
Recently we featured the graffiti artist Mute on the Youtube channel and everyone loved his theories so we decided to get in touch with him for an interview. We decided to ask Mute a variety of questions