Painting Graffiti on the Highway! (Copy)

Paint Graffiti During the Day Without Fear: Tips and Inspiration

If you're passionate about graffiti and want to learn how to paint confidently during the day, you're in the right place. In today's blog, we delve into the world of daytime graffiti, showcasing wild styles and fearless artists who paint without flinching. Whether you're an aspiring graffiti artist or looking to refine your skills, we've got insights, tips, and a glimpse into the vibrant graffiti scene.

Start Painting Without Fear: The Basics

  1. Find a Chill Spot:

    • Our featured artist kicks off in a relaxed area, painting a two-letter piece with a Z and an A. Despite a passerby, he continues painting, indicating the importance of choosing a spot where you feel comfortable. Look for places where people are used to seeing graffiti, like abandoned buildings, skate parks, or hidden corners of the city.

  2. Work with What You Have:

    • Another artist, Sharp, uses watery paint, two colors, and a paintbrush to create large, gritty letters. Sometimes, drips can add a unique effect to your graffiti, making it stand out.

Daytime Graffiti Around the World

  • South African Graffiti:

    • The crew TSK in South Africa showcases their skills by hitting various spots, from highways to abandoned buildings, demonstrating that daytime graffiti boils down to your guts and how much of a risk you’re willing to take. The guys in TSK seem to put a lot of priority in their crew, often putting the crew up more than themselves in some instances. Now don’t get me wrong, these guys get their fair share of spots too, but like a determined crew, they’re always sure to rep the name.

Dope Tags

  1. Practice Handstyles and Throwies:

    • Handstyles and throwies are crucial components of graffiti. Artists like DGO (or DG1) demonstrate impressive hand styles with massive throwies. Pay attention to how they stylize letters like D and G, two letters that seemingly give many people a hard time.

Loosen Up and Accept Mistakes

  • Embrace Errors:

    • Our featured artist Selery (or at least, that's what we think he writes) shows that even seasoned graffiti artists make mistakes. While painting a throwie, he realizes he missed a spot but laughs it off, reminding us that it's all part of the fun. His sharp serifs and stylized S showcase his expertise and frequent practice.

Get Featured and Learn More

  • Submit Your Work:

    • If you’d like to submit to be part of the series, please email videos to ( or This series is for entertainment only, and we never recommend anyone break the law.

  • Explore More Tutorials:

    • For the best how-to graffiti tutorials, check out our playlist on YouTube. Our channel offers extensive content to help you master graffiti, from fundamentals to advanced techniques.

If you’re looking to learn the basics of graffiti then check out our brand new book The Ultimate Graffiti Guide Book Part 1-Fundamentals where you’ll learn all of graffiti’s basics in an easy-to-follow book. By the end of it you’ll fully understand how to find your style, and how to keep progressing for the rest of your graffiti journey.


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