How To Find Your Graffiti Style

“Finding my style” is just about every artist’s biggest goal and concern when they first start out in any art form, but this ends up being more of an obstacle than anything. In this blog, we’re not going to restate what we taught in the video, but rather we’re going to chat about the downside to style and perhaps a better approach to progress. If you’d like to watch the video directly on YouTube then check out the link here. "How to Find My Graffiti Style”.

When a new artist starts they try and B-line it right to finding and getting a style, and very quickly, they find themselves more lost than anything. The issue is they’re that they’re still learning the basics, and style is the exaggeration of those basics. So, how is an amateur meant to exaggerate the basics if they #1: don’t know what those basics are, and #2: amateurs don’t know how to use those basics? Well, the short answer is they can’t, not without making mistakes. These mistakes make the learning process very difficult, especially if you’re going the self-taught route since there’s no one there to tell and show you where you’re going wrong.

Now, this may seem counterproductive, but, the fastest way to find an art style is to stop chasing style, and instead focus on learning the basics as much as possible. When you do this, you’ll become more knowledgeable and more skilled at drawing, and this knowledge and skill will make you more capable of style. Its really that simple, that’s all there is to it. The best part is the fact that learning art isn’t hard at all, it’s fun and easy, however, the hard part really is having the discipline to practice and learn the basics. If you can overcome that hurdle then you’ll have no issue finding your style but you need to be patient. Learning takes time, it takes effort, so hang in there, and practice and you’ll find you’re doing amazing art in no time.

If you’re looking to learn the basics of graffiti then check out our brand new book The Ultimate Graffiti Guide Book Part 1-Fundamentals where you’ll learn all of graffiti’s basics in an easy-to-follow book. By the end of it you’ll fully understand how to find your style, and how to keep progressing for the rest of your graffiti journey.


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