ai graffiti JON GRIM ai graffiti JON GRIM

Graffiti vs AI: Will Technology Erase Street Art?

Discover how AI is reshaping the world of graffiti art. Is AI-generated graffiti the future or a threat to authentic street art? Explore the evolving world of graffiti as we dive into the impact of AI on this traditional graffiti art. Discover whether technology could replace real graffiti artists or if it will serve as a new tool in the arsenal for new artists to exploit.

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How To Do Graffiti Pieces - Full Process!

In today's blog, we're diving into the world of freight train graffiti by rating fan submissions on a scale of 1 to 10. Along the way, we'll discuss essential graffiti techniques, clean lines graffiti, letter structure, and more. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, these insights will help you refine your style and avoid common graffiti mistakes.

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How To Do Graffiti Pieces Breakdown

When I start a piece I always count the number of letters in the name as this will help me plan the composition. On top of that I also write the name out to see how the letter relationships are working within the name.

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