Best Tags in Graffiti Voted By YOU!
Top 10 Best Graffiti Artists of 2024: A Celebration of Style and Creativity
Among the many elements that define this vibrant art form, graffiti tags stand out as a cornerstone of style and identity. Really, at every writer’s core is their tag, it’s who you are, your identity in the world of graffiti. Today we’re going to enjoy a few writers that you guys in the community voted as being “The Best Taggers in Graffiti”!
Top Graffiti Tags: Best Handstyles
1. Slider
Slider’s handstyle is a masterclass in contrast and flow. His tags stand out because he plays with structure—balancing blocky and rounded shapes to create dynamic motion in his letters. Look at his "S" and "R." The top of the "S" is bold and blocky, while the bottom adopts a rounded, sweeping motion. Similarly, the "R" has a bold, structured top and a fluid, curved leg. Slider demonstrates how you can mix different styles within one tag while maintaining balance and legibility. Normally, mixing high-contrasting styles is something you learn after you’ve mastered the basics.
This is a great example for artists learning how to tag in graffiti with style and precision.
2. Sicoer
Sikor’s tags are clean, crisp, and packed with personal style. His style shines in its variety, offering everything from minimalistic tags inspired handstyles to more intricate designs. While we only show one here, we recommend clicking the image to check out his Instagram, he’s got plenty of videos of his awesome work we’re sure you’ll love. I personally love the way he uses his R to pop the tag at the end with an added bit of flair. His E also stands out to me as it follows a different mean line than the letters before it, yet it works well! This functions because the I, C, O all have more ambiguous mean lines, and the R follows the E’s mean line so the E is able to establish a second mean line with no issue.
3. Feeceez
Next is Feeceez, a name associated with dirty, messy, and gross, Feeceez has one of the cleanest handstyles on this list. Talk about flow, this guy masterfully uses letter uniformity to establish a clean crisp look to the letters. I really enjoy all the exterior details around his name, he does a great job balancing and establishing these details with the letters themselves. Despite the name Feeceez, his tags are anything but that.
4. Baker
Baker is a household name in graffiti circles, and for good reason. His handstyles are brimming with creativity, often transforming letters into visual elements like flames. This is something many artists try to do with their letters and they normally fail, but Baker is able to pull this off without sacrificing letter structure. At the end of the day that’s really the key, Baker keeps the letter B there, and just about treats it like a throwie, allowing for more positive space that lets him turn it into a flame.
Keo is one of those writers where once you see his tag on the wall, you instantly know “this man gets up a lot”. When you have an experienced writer, that experience shows in their line order and in their line confidence. These are two qualities that Keo has in spades! Keo’s tag is efficient, clean, and consistent, the mark of someone who puts in plenty of work on the streets!
Skofe is the definition of go big or go home with tags. He doesn’t just tag a wall and call it a day, he takes up the whole wall if he can, and he does it in style to make a statement! His massive tags are brimming with style, and clean fundamentals and normally as tags get bigger they become harder to control. You need to enlist more of your body into the act of spraying when going this large and that’s a muscle memory many have no need to build for their tag. Skofe does a great job all around and his work speaks for itself.
Osmo’s tags are a feast for the eyes. Known for their complexity and precision, his handstyles are a showcase of what’s possible when you combine technical skill with artistic flair. Osmo likes to focus on the exterior details and outer embellishments of his tag, and if you’re able to visually and mentally ignore all the extra bits, you’ll be greeted by his letters. Once you are able to see the name, you’ll notice that the structures themselves are pretty simple, but refined and elegant. He seamlessly blends his extensions into the structures and has the extensions flow with letter uniformity/similarity to bring everything together.